specialists, HMOs, diets, antibiotics, immunizations, and surgery:
These are the ways that Americans treat their ills. Let’s
not forget however that fundamentally we are animals, and evolution
has not brought us all this way because our bodies need assistance
just to survive.
In the age of capitalism and convenience,
the human animal encounters more toxicity and detrimental environmental
conditions than ever. While you can break the core of survival down
to four areas—food, shelter, heat and clothing—there
are many more catastrophic elements to deal with now than ever.
For example, the age of profit margins has introduced such nasty
substances into our everyday lifestlye, such as high fructose corn
syrup, aspertame, and M.S.G., not to mention proven carcinogenic
chemicals such as bovine growth hormones, and DDT (the active ingredient
in agent orange.) Unless you either grow all your own food or buy
it from a bona fide organic health food store, you consume these
toxic substances everyday of your life.
Brian Haas, the revered piano player
for the provocative jazz trio, Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey, knows the
story. His mother was given just a five percent chance of survival
after being diagnosed with breast cancer.
Consider that 42 percent of Americans
wind up with cancer. With statistics like that, you might as well
consider yourself guaranteed with malignant cells unless you do
something to combat that probability. What are you doing for your
health that raises you above the 42rd percentile health rating?
If you are doing nothing, you might consider what you want on your
untimely headstone.
The buildup of toxicity is overwhelming,
but the way to counter it is by being conscious of what you intake.
One of the largest sources of these nasty chemicals is factory meat—the
stuff you buy in the grocery store and in restaurants. Unless you
seek out organically raised meat, you are constantly consuming massive
amounts of pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics, and saturated
fat—all prime predecessors to the big C: Cancer.
In the winter
issue of Meniscus Magazine, we examined how a vegetarian diet
can drastically reduce your chances of the plague of the 21st century.
Now let’s look at a way to clean house, and take control of
your future health.
The Cleansing
One of the best ways to allow your body to cleanse is by fasting.
By abstaining from food for significant periods of time, your body
has a chance to turn its immune attention towards breaking down
toxins in the system that, if left unattended to, could manifest
into any number of cancers.
Fasting has been around for centuries.
Most people only hear of it in regards to the 40 days of fasting
Jesus performed during lent, in preparation of his public ministry.
The bible describes the fasting experience as a personal matter:
“But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so
that you may not appear to be fasting, except to your Father who
is hidden.”
Traditionally, fasting is viewed as
a spiritual experience. By abstaining from all solid food, you are
taking control of the robot that is your body, by not letting it
control you. When this occurs, you begin to see through the cycles
of everyday life and realize what is truly important in the world.
By choosing to let the spirit guide us, and not the flesh, you break
through materialism and realize the body’s addiction to food
and harmful substances we consume everyday.
In the Essene Gospels, Jesus explains,
“the body is the temple of the spirit, and the spirit is the
temple of God. Purify, therefore, the temple, that the Lord of the
temple may dwell therein and occupy a place that is worthy of him.
“Renew yourselves and fast. Go
by yourself and fast alone...great shall be your reward.... Fast
and pray fervently, seeking the power of the living God for your
Why do it for your health?
As Paul Bragg explains in The Miracle of Fasting, there is a Vital
Force that is used every day of your life to maintain your body’s
processes. In addition to pushing blood through millions of filters
in your kidneys and exchanging oxygen for carbon dioxide in your
lungs, a large percentage of this energy goes towards digesting
food through your 30-foot digestive tract. Once you stop eating,
this Vital Force begins recharging and is freed up tove move throughout
the body breaking down poisonous residues that have built up. Even
after just 24 hours, the body is able to begin rebuilding Vital
With the aid of lots of water and a
herbal laxative, fasting also allows your body to pass the remaining
food that has accumulated in the colon over years. The average person
on a western diet has up to eight partially digested meals residing
in their digestive tract at any time. Think about that! This undigested
food does exactly the same thing it would if it weren’t in
your body: it rots. If you’re wondering what that would look
like, try taking a bowl of freshly cooked food and instead of eating
it, put it in a moist 98.6 degree environment and check on it in
three days.
What if
you have cancer right now?
Now that we’ve looked at the natural powers the body has,
you can apply it to life, and help save loved ones that suffer from
debilitating diseases such as cancer.
Brian Haas, in the midst of spreading
consciousness expanding music with Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey, explains
what he would do if the human being he loved the most, was diagnosed
with cancer. “The first thing I would tell her, is to never
go back to the hospital.”
With a demanding severity in his voice
he continued, “Never talk to another doctor; never take another
test; and never set foot in another western medical facility.”
Then he would remove from her diet, anything that feeds the malignant
cells in the body including four main items: sugar, dairy, carbohydrates,
and alcohol. This leaves vegetable, and organically-raised meat
protein as the sustaining diet while the body boosts its own healing
abilities. Throughout the process take a trace mineral supplement,
and juiced wheat grass, what Haas considers to be nature’s
best medicine.
Then, over five days time, diminish
the solid food intake until you were consuming only juiced fruits
and vegetables. At the conclusion of this five-day rev down process,
Haas would have her fast, consuming nothing but water, for two weeks
. After this treatment, he is emphatic in his stance that the cancer
would be gone.
you decide to try fasting, keep in mind a few guidelines:
- It is best to diminish
your intake slowly, working your way down to leafy greens.
- During the fast drink
as much water as possible to flush as many toxins as possible,
out of your revitalizing system.
- You may want to try
some detoxifiying herbal tea or other methods such as the
"Master Cleanser", a mixture of freshly squeezed
lemon, grade B maple syrup, and cayanne pepper in warm water.
- When you begin to
eat again, avoid high-protien foods and bananas at all costs.
Your sensitive liver will be much happier if you begin with
leafy greens first.
Would controlling my diet to control
cancer work, you may ask? At age 60, with no grey hair to show,
his own mother has survived a bleak 5 percent chance given by her
doctors. Haas’ mom is a testament that it can be done.
Fasting is certainly one option among
many, that allow your natural body to take care of itself. The most
important thing to realize, is that your vessel has remarkable healing
capabilities. Next time your doctor prescribes a pill for a common
ailment, consider that the human race has not made it this far being
dependent on pharmaceuticals. The flip side of the coin however,
is that we have never been bombarded by such a health-caustic environment.
Drastic measures may be required for such drastic environmental
conditions—like pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics,
and saturated fat. “It is natural to eat meat,” you
may say. Yes, but how many natural animals have you hunted down
in the forest to satisfy your diet?
You choose everyday whether you like
it or not. Please, think about what you put into your temple, for
the sake of your loved ones, and for the sake of evolution.
"Be Kind to the Temple, Part I"--> |